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    phlox socks sneak peek
  • Phlox Socks - the Robyn's Nest June Sock Club
  • Pattern will be for sale as of October 1 2008
    (You can email me or leave a comment and I will notify you when the pattern is available.)
I Want to Knit
Monday, January 29, 2007
FO: Moss Block Cardigan
I finished this cardigan on December 28th 2006 but it was blocking and I never remembered to take a photo of it, so I took a few quick ones today before putting it away in the pile of knits "to be washed" with baby detergent for our baby.

This is the yarn I got from Mona and Veronik at one of the last Montreal Knits meetups I'd attended. I knew I wanted to use it for a cabled cardi because I loved the color and thought it would look so cute with a wee pair of jeans. Unfortunately after swatching some cables I didn't like how the cotton blend held up the cables. It was too floppy for my liking, so I played around with other textures and came up with the idea of mixing stockinette and moss stitch in large blocks that extended down over the sleeves too.

Yarn: 3 balls of Schewe Baumwoll-Mix (50g/120m, 50% cotton, 50% acrylic)
Needles: 3.25mm for ribbing and 3.5mm for body
Pattern: My own. I used fully-fashioned raglan decreases as I felt they blended better with the look of the moss stitch, as opposed to the smooth diagonal line you get when you angle the decreases with the slant of the shaping.

I'm thinking of maybe providing this pattern as a free pattern on my website. I probably will if there is a demand for it, so if you like it, let me know!
This is the front of the cardigan. You can see how the texture blocks carry over onto the sleeves.
This is the back of the cardigan.

This is the back again. This photo doesn't show the color too well but it shows off the texture better than the other photos.

A close-up detail shot of the back where the texture switches. If I had to design this again I'd remember that the moss sections would pull in more than the stockinette ones and I would add a few extra rows and maybe a stitch or two in those areas. As it is it *did* pull in a bit and the pieces didn't match exactly in size before seaming, but I still think it came out well and will look adorable with a pair of blue jeans and a white onesie. Plus, the minor difference in sizes (from the moss sections pulling in) eased out very well in seaming and blocking.

This photo is just to show off the cute wooden buttons that Yannick and I found at the Wool Shop in Pointe-Claire. They match perfectly!

posted by Jennifer Lori @ 1:14 pm   3 comments
Friday, January 26, 2007
Hey...if there are still any of you out there reading my blog after my holiday absence...can you please click on the link under my photo and add yourself to my frappr map? It's quick and easy and is a fun way for me to know where you are from!

posted by Jennifer Lori @ 4:18 pm   0 comments
Meme: Weird Things
Robyn tagged me, so I'm playing along.

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

My gosh...there are so many weird things about me, why can't I think of any to get this started?

1) I don't like chocolate. I will eat certain kinds if there are nuts or nougat or caramel or something in it, but I am definately NOT one of those women who would pick chocolate over...well...anything. ;)

2) I love bagels with cream cheese and onion, but will not touch cream cheese and lox. I hate lox. For some reason, I like smoked salmon. I know they are the same thing. Give it to me on a plate with some onion slivers, sour cream and capers, maybe on a bed of lettuce or crustini and I'm happy. Give it to me on a bagel or toast with cream cheese and I'm nauseous.

3) I love school supplies. Even if there is nothing I actually need at the time, I can spend hours browsing through Bureau en Gros and find stuff to buy. A girl can never have enough pens, paper, highlighters, notebooks, etc...

4) I love onions and have often eaten one as a snack. I'd cut it into a flower shape (kinda like a Bloomin' Onion) and pop it in the microwave with a small pat of butter. Yummy!

5) I am scared of spiders. Ants, earwigs, centipedes, any other kind of bug with 1-7 or 9+ legs are fun. Not arachnids. (And no, spiders with missing legs are still spiders). I am finally at the point where I *can* kill them myself...but I prefer to have a large man, brave friend or central vacuuming hose around to do the job for me. I'm always afraid it will move and crawl onto my hand. And you can't just crumple the tissue and throw it in the garbage- spiders MUST be flushed. How else do you know that it isn't still alive in the tissue and won't crawl out later? (I was forced to watch Arachnaphobia once. I gnawed my thumb so hard with fear or tension that I had a dent for a week!) Luckily, I am unaffected by Spiderman and have managed to enjoy all incarnations of that series.

6) I don't like alcohol. I can't stand Sex on the Beach, Screwdrivers, Vodka-Cranberry, Martinis in any flavor, or any of the other typical "chick" drinks. If given the opportunity, I will choose "virgin" versions of a drink 100% of the time. I hate the feeling of being drunk or even tipsy. I also don't like wine or beer. There is one sparkling wine I like only because it tastes like Sprite. The only mixed drinks I can say I enjoy are Brown Cows, Kahlua and Milk and Amaretto Sours, and these are only for the flavor of the drink. If I could get the same taste sans alcohol I would prefer it. I did, however, love being a bartender (and loved being the only sober person at the end of the night).

I'm not tagging anyone because the only people I know for sure read my blog have done it already. But if you read this and decide to play, leave me a comment and I'll update this post.
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 9:14 am   2 comments
Monday, January 22, 2007
my own provisional or invisible cast on alternative
Sometimes a pattern will call for an invisible cast on. An invisible cast on is when you cast on with your yarn and a waste yarn (usually a smooth yarn like cotton in a contrasting color). The way you twist the yarns as you cast on will result in giving you the "backs" of the stitches to pick up later. This means that if you cast on 40 sts, you will have 40 sts ready with your working yarn to knit up right away, and then later when you unpick the waste yarn you will have 40 more sts waiting for you to slip on a needle and begin knitting in the other direction.

This can also be called a "provisional" cast on, and the directions can call for you to crochet a long chain and knit your first row into the back "bumps" of the chain. When you use this method the crocheted chain holds your first row "live" and you can "unzip" the crochet chain later and put the freed stitches back on the needle to knit in the other direction.

I've had to use this many times-
- my favorite toe-up sock pattern has you start with an invisible cast on, knit the toe section, then put the other half of the cast on sts on two more needles so you can start knitting the foot in the round.
- a gift scarf I knit once had you start with an invisible cast on, knit half of the funky cable pattern, bind off, then put the other half of the cast on sts on the needle so you could repeat the scarf for the other side, ensuring that both halves of the scarf were the same and knit in the same direction (instead of casting on at one end, knitting to the other end, then binding off).
- the Samantha baby sweater dress I had knit for my friend's daughter also has you cast on with an invisible cast on, work a picot edging, then later release the other half of the live cast on sts to hem them up by folding along a turning row and then sewing the hem in place.

It's that last one that led to my latest ah-ha! unvention. I had decided early on that I was too lazy to sew the bottom hem up later, when I could easily knit it in as I went. Instead of waiting until the piece was done, undoing the waste yarn, threading the long tail on a needle and sewing down each loop of live stitch, I would instead work the hem as directed, but once I'd worked to a point even with the length of the hem (for example 8 hem rows, turning row, 8 body rows) I would release the waste yarn sts to another needle and knit them together with the next body row. This works much as one would do a 3-needle bind off, except you don't bind off. You just knit a stitch from each needle together.

That worked perfectly, except for one thing: I hate picking out the waste yarn from when you do a typical cast on of this type. Because the only thing done in the waste yarn was to cast on there is only that bottom edge of a contrast, and it is not always easy to find the stitches of your first actual row. I always feel like I'm going to lose a stitch, especially the end ones.

So I came up with an easier idea. In my case I'm going to show you how to use it to knit in a hem, but you can skip the hem part and just use the technique to have your stitches ready to knit your ribbing or hem later if you're not sure what you want to do yet, or to knit in the other direction (like a scarf or shawl).

I still cast on with waste yarn, only this time I knit a row or so. Enough to give you a row of knit stitches that you can see easily.

Then switch to your pattern yarn and work as you like until the point where you want to knit in the hem. (In this example, I think I'd knit 5 rows, purled a row as a turning row, then knit 5 more rows).

Many times I have been in the middle of a project when I notice an error that can't be corrected by dropping down just a few stitches. In these cases, instead of just ripping back I sometimes like to insert the needle into the knitting first, then rip. This way I can't rip too far, and all the sts end up sitting there on the needle for me. This works the same way.

Insert a second (slightly smaller) needle into one half of each of the sts in the first row of your pattern yarn. Make sure you have done this for all the sts (if your row has 32 sts make sure you pick up half each of 32 sts).

Cut the waste yarn in a few random spots in the first row. Make sure to not cut the pattern yarn!

This shows the cut end starting to be unpicked from the knitting.

Use a needle or the points of your scissors to help you pick out the first row of waste yarn.

This leaves the pattern yarn sitting there on your needle, all the stitches looking pretty and ready to knit! This gives you the same result as the traditional invisible cast on, without the fiddly cast on itself and the trial-and-error I always experience when picking out the waste yarn.

And that's all there is to it! Now the cast on row is ready to do whatever you want. Again, in my case I have done it after some extra hem rows because I will be turning the hem and knitting it in, but you could easily have done this just at the beginning of your regular knitting pattern and then the stitches would be ready to knit your ribbings, lengthen your garment, knit in the other direction, graft something, or do whatever you like!

I'm going to continue the directions for how to knit in the hem for those of you who would like to try this.

Then, to knit in the hem as I did, all you need to do is fold it up and knit a stitch from each needle together. Once that's done, you just keep knitting your pattern as usual.

This shows the front of the hemmed piece after the hem was knit in and I'd knit about 5 more rows. The turned edge is nice and flat because of the turning row (you can also use a picot edge or anything you like). The bottom is thicker and doubled with a nice, sturdy hem that will not unravel, and the two sides are open so you can insert an elastic if you like. If not then the sides will close when you seam the piece, or you can just seam them shut later.

This shows the back. You can see the stockinette section at the bottom which is the folded hem, and then the reverse stockinette section which is the back of the right-side stockinette part. It's neat and simple!

This method can be used in any instance where an invisible or provisional cast on is required.

I really got this idea because I have no problem picking up one side of each stitch when ripping back, and that helps me often. I thought, "wouldn't that be easier than picking out a cast on row and trying to find the sts?" For me, this was much easier, I didn't need directions on how to cast on, nor a crochet hook. Quick, simple and painless. Hope this helps someone like it did me!
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 9:18 am   2 comments
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
blame blogger
I spent so long trying to post this morning that I thought I would be late for work. I had written up a great long post about an alternative to the provisional cast-on method used in some patterns, and I had even taken step-by-step photos of the process. The final step was to post it- and Blogger was having "issues" with uploading photos again. I tried to upload the images to my Photobucket account so I could finish up the post from work and wouldn't you know it- Photobucket was down for maintenance.

So you're getting a photo-less post today, folks.

First of all, a big HELLO and THANKS to all the people who came on by from the Knitlist after I put out the message telling you about the free pattern for the Bowling Socks. I know you're not really coming to see me, you're coming for the free goodies, but maybe one or two of you will stick around so I'm thanking you in advance. Quite a lot of you have taken me up on that free pattern offer- a few days ago my Yahoo group had 55 members and now I have over 140! I promise to keep working on some more free patterns to make it worth your whiles. I have a moss block baby cardigan that I designed which I will most probably put up as a free pattern, and a pattern for Sweetheart Mittens from two years ago that I just need to get around to typing up.

What's going on with me? Lately it seems like I'm only getting real knitting time in on Sundays and Mondays (my days off). I used to get home from work, make supper then park myself in bed and knit while watching TV until 11:00 or 12:00 then get into bed, play a few games on my Palm then go to sleep. These days? I'm lucky if I'm still out of bed by 9:30/10:00! ALL I want to do these days is sleep. Sleep in all morning and go to bed as early as I can at night. I thought that I was supposed to be more tired in the first and last trimesters, but instead, smack dab in the middle of the 5th month, NOW exhaustion is hitting me hard. I have to tape whatever shows I really want to watch and instead watch something else on TV because I have no guarantee of being awake long enough for the first show! Monday night I was in bed by 8:15. 8:15!!!! And I would have been asleep right away too if Yannick hadn't been in a chatty mood.

The pregnancy is going good otherwise. I'm still not hungry, and still have only gained a couple of pounds, but my (old) doctor doesn't think that is anything to worry about. I will ask my new doctor when I see her for the first time on the 30th. I am starting to feel the baby move a bit more, but it's still not regular and still not more than occassional tickles. No hard kicks or punches yet, except for 1 time- at my 5 month ultrasound last Tuesday the technician was pushing really hard and when she dipped into my belly button and was pushing I guess baby felt really squished and kicked the wand away. I couldn't stop laughing which made the rest of the ultrasound take longer, but I didn't mind (more time to see my baby!) I love ultrasounds- I love the window into my baby's world. I will take any opportunity I can get to see this little one before its first appearance.

I've been knitting tons of stuff for baby too. The Froggy and Ducky Hat/Socks sets were finished a while ago (and blogged, plus there are photos in the sidebar). I finished the Moss Block Baby Cardigan which was from my own design, and now that it is finished blocking I will try to remember to take a photo and post it.

I'm still working on a sock yarn cardigan using one of the Regia Canadian Colors...I forget which one offhand but it's mainly yellow with some irregular stripes of brown, purple and lime green. I have the back done and am about to the armhole shaping on the first of the two fronts.

I have started the Debbie Bliss Alphabet Baby Blanket. The rows go a bit faster than I'd thought and the charts aren't hard to follow at all. The first day I started it (about 2 Mondays ago) I managed to nearly finish the lower block of letters. I have only done a few rows since. It will be a slow project because I don't plan on it being portable. I tend to leave my chart-heavy projects at home and tote around stuff that is easier to work on here and there.

Speaking of easier to work on...I have also started an entrelac blankie for the baby. It is using two colors of Patons Decor and I love the squooshy woven look. I have finished one full ball of each color and for the size I made (the blocks are 10 sts wide) it will probably take 2 or 2.5 balls of each color for the blanket then an extra ball of one color for a border. I haven't figured out the border yet- the blankie is of my own design and I'll worry about the border once I've finished the main part.

For the last few days I've been knitting exclusively on a pair of black gloves. The MKG is having a Mitten Challenge which is due by our next meeting (the 2nd Tues of February). One of the catergories is to design your own, which I am doing. Thanks to Yannick's great suggestion when I asked him what would be an interesting new mitten or glove, I am designing a pair of Knitter's Gloves. I have 2 more fingers (well, 1 finger and 1 thumb) to go on the first of the pair. (I had to call the guild president and make sure that gloves were ok because the newsletter only talked about mittens, but she assured me that any type of cold-weather hand coverings were fine).

So that's what I'm knitting these days. I didn't do much on Sunday except in the car because we had Robyn's son Sean's bris in the afternoon. He was a real trouper and barely cried! Yannick was a chicken and stayed at the back of the room lest he accidentally see what was going on at the front. Men! The bris included lunch/lupper then afterwards my sister Laura and her boyfriend Mike came back with us. We played Taboo (and us girls won!) then went to my parents' house for supper. By the time we got home I was exhausted (again) so I went to bed soon after.

Monday I had to go to the Jewish to redo my glucose test. I worked on the glove in the waiting room during both hours between blood tests. I was supposed to go to Robyn's for a bit in the afternoon but we got hit with such nasty weather that I just went straight home. I ate quite a bit for once (I had been fasting for the blood test) then cozied up in bed with the glove and my tapes from the last few weeks. Within ten minutes I was ready for sleep. I fought it off and stayed up until Yannick came home for supper, but it really was a struggle all day to fight off from falling asleep. By the end of the day I had a headache already from being so tired and I wasn't even hungry, so Yannick finished my meal (again) and as I said earlier, I was in bed by 8:15.

Last night I did 2 hours of knitting while watching the American Idol premiere then got into bed. I had taken a book on pregnancy massage out of the library and Yannick had a great time going through all the photos and making funny remarks. Then we went through the latest month in his pregnancy book. We have 3 but 2 are mine and 1 is his. Mine are What to Expect When You're Expecting and The Mother of All Pregnancy Books. His is The Expectant Father and it is a good, funny and informative book. The only problem is that Yannick forgets to read it, so we tend to go through it together when I remember. He particularily enjoyed a passage we read last night about how a woman's brain actually shrinks during pregnancy.

Tonight is a Montreal Knits (link in sidebar) meeting but I'm really tired and it's really cold outside so I will be skipping it in favor of going home and taking a bath. I just might get to knit a stitch or two as well.
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 1:50 pm   2 comments
Thursday, January 11, 2007
who do we look like?
This was fun! I completely imitated the inimitable (sp?) Deawn. I enjoyed it so much that I ran it for almost every friend/family member whose photo I had on my work computer. Enjoy!

(Note: if anyone wants me to remove their photo just email me and I'll take it down. For some of you I only had old photos too, so I did the best I could.)



My brother Mike:

My brother Aaron:

My sister Laura:

My friend Debbie:

My friend Julie:

My friend Jackie:

My friend Kevin:

My friend Rich:
Shoot- I don't have a photo of Rich online. Sorry Rich! Email me one if you want me to make one up!

It's fun! Go try it out!
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 11:05 am   2 comments
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
check these out
Anime-style drawings of the simpsons gang and the cast of futurama. I love it!
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 11:59 am   1 comments
Monday, January 08, 2007
FO: Black Baby Cardigan
I did it. This baby cardigan is from a Patons Astra booklet. In the booklet the cardi is called "Ducks in a Row" as the original has little ducks across the bottom. I wanted a nice, simple raglan cardi, so I left them out. I also like dark colors on kids...hence the black. I used Patons Astra which is 100% acrylic, and my favorite touch is the numbered buttons. The cardigan is sized for 2 years. I had started it in May of 2006, long before getting married or pregnant. Yannick and I had talked about it, and decided that there was no harm in getting some knitting done for our future child(ren) as long as we didn't jinx it by telling anyone about it. I had finished the knitting sometime over the summer but it sat in a bag waiting to be seamed and have the buttons sewn on. I finally did that yesterday.
You can't really see it in this photo, but my proudest accomplishment in this project is visible here. See, the button band is ribbed, but vertically instead of horizontally. I was worried about sewing it on as it is not knit as you go, but rather as a separate strip which is seamed later. In the pattern photo there was an obvious band outlining the button band which I thought was inevitable. As it turns out, whoever made the demo model just sucked at seaming, because in my version the seam is literally invisible. Until you pull the 1x1 ribbing apart a bit it looks like the buttons are in a flawless area of stockinette stitch. A perfect, invisible join that I am very proud of (especially because seaming isn't the most fun in solid black!)

Now it is off to get washed and put away until baby is born and big enough to wear it.

More photos, as always, if you click on the link under FOs 2007 in the left hand sidebar.
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 12:09 pm   3 comments
Sunday, January 07, 2007
FO: Crocheted Dish/Face Cloths and Soap Saver Bag
A short while ago I put a call out on a swap board looking for peoples' left-over sock yarn. Any scraps you have after making a pair or using the yarn for something else...I'll take it. I need lots.

In any case, one woman named Judy was kind enough to send me some from her stash, and sweet enough that she didn't ask me for postage. So as a thank-you, I crocheted her this little set which I will be mailing tomorrow.
They are all crocheted with Bernat Handicrafter Cotton and are quick to make, but the results are so cute!These guys are made from a free pattern found at the dishcloth boutique. I hadn't realized until I saw them in daylight that the two cottons weren't the same- I'd thought I was using a solid white and a blue/white blend. Now I see it's a blue/cream blend. Design feature, yeah, that's it. :)

This soap-saver bag was also made from a free pattern, but I Googled for a bit until I found one I liked so I forget right now where it was from. One of the first links that come up for "soap savers" has a list of about 10, and it's in there. Should be easy to find. I varied the pattern only by working the middle section in the variegated yarn, otherwise I followed it as written. I'd thought it was coming out too big but after holding it next to a bar of soap it looks like the correct size.

Tomorrow I'll be heading over to the post office to pop these in the mail, along with Rebecca's Samantha dress. I'm also mailing a booklet to Faith over at the Knitting Cook 'cus it's something she mentioned once on her podcast and I know she'll like it.

Today I think I'm going to veg out. Yannick just stepped out to buy ingredients for his special "Yum-Yums" (a breakfast treat he makes) and I'm going to do a few rows on a baby blanket I started. I have another FO I will post as soon as it finishes drying from blocking, and one thisclosetobeingdone wip that just needs a zipper sewn in so I'll try to remember to pick one up when I go out tomorrow.

That reminds me. I have a couple of other thisclosetobeingdone wips lying around here someplace. I always seem to get into the same moods...I can't wait to cast-on for a new project, then I can't wait for the decreases or increases or whatever to break up any boring sections, then I can't wait to get close enough to bind off. Most of the time I can't wait to seam and be done too. But sometimes I get waylaid before seaming...usually by another project...and then there is no motivation for me to finish the first project. If there was still one more row to knit so I could bind off and free up the needles...that could work as motivation. But when it's lying in the bag just waiting for a few finishing lazy can I be?

Maybe for 2007 I need to push myself to knock off as many "should be FO"s as I can? I know that there's a baby cardigan that just needs buttons sewn on and a side seam done up, and a fluffy purse that only needs its silk lining sewn in. I also have a "Kosher" sweater that only needs about 8 rows of ribbing then to be bound off (it's been waiting in this state for almost 2 years!). The Perfect Knitting Bag only needs finishing touches too. I can't promise to finish the Enchanted Forest cardi that still needs tons of knitting, nor my Clapotis that I keep saying "I want to wear this winter", nor my Birthday Suit top/skirt that I shouldn't even count as a wip because I only ever knit 1 row and that was over 2 years ago...but the other stuff I listed? I have no excuse for not finishing them.

Sorry, that sound you just heard was me cracking the bullwhip. I think the few rows on the baby blanket can wait...I'm off to sew on some buttons.
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 10:25 am   1 comments
Saturday, January 06, 2007
introducing Sean Edward
Say "hi"! After 30 hours of labor, my cousin Robyn brought this little bundle of joy into the world on Thursday, December 28. I DO mean little, he was born at 5lbs 5oz and then dropped to 4lbs something, and is still on his way to regaining his birth weight. But other than the weight loss he's absolutely perfect and, as you can see, quite adorable. He's 3 days old in this photo. I can't believe he's over a week old already! I hope he likes his elephant.
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 12:10 pm   1 comments
Friday, January 05, 2007
FO: Rebecca's Samantha Coat/Dress
On the 11th of December I finished a sweet little coat/dress for my friend Jessica's daughter Rebecca. The pattern is by Kate Gilbert and is available on her website ( and is called "Samantha". The original dress is all white but I wanted to add a little something with a splash of color.

The only changes I made to the pattern (besides adding the intarsia) were to knit in the bottom hem instead of sewing it in. Had I chosen to do the sleeves from the cuff-up I could have done it there too, but I followed the pattern and did them top-down. (I don't really mind sewing down a hem, but I'm lazy and if I can have it done for me via knitting-in...why not?)

This is a really cute little coat/dress. My favorite part is the smocking band that goes around the middle. I had a really giddy sense of accomplishment once I'd finished that section and everyone who has seen the dress in person agrees that it really makes the dress look professional, and, (dare I say it?) store-bought.

Now that it's all done I will be mailing it off to them while it will *hopefully* still fit.

p.s. As will be my custom now, I will post a few FO or WIP photos here but dump the bulk of them (including ones that aren't "blog worthy") in my photobucket account so if you click on the link for each FO in the left sidebar you will probably get to see more photos than just the ones I post.

posted by Jennifer Lori @ 10:45 am   0 comments
Thursday, January 04, 2007
ok, so i'm just a wee bit pissed
The astute among you might have noticed a lack of a certain something around here. What could it be? Text? Nope, got that. Links? Nah, got links a-plenty. Photos? Nope, I-


Where the hell are all my photos?

See, they were all uploaded to my old storage provider's space. When I dropped the provider, I naturally assumed that since they were all uploaded with Blogger software, Blogger would have a cache or something and they'd revert to those copies.


I need to go back and re-upload 2 years' worth of old photos. This will probably take me about as long, as I am severely resentful at having to do this. I don't even know if I still HAVE all those photos.

So the old photos will take time. New ones coming up.

Coming soon: FO photos of Rebecca's Samantha dress, my kid's Moss Block sweater (of my own design), some crocheted dishcloths, and some WIP photos of everything else I've been working on. I might not have been here, but I sure have been busy!
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 9:24 am   1 comments
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