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I Want to Knit
Monday, August 29, 2005
I Went To A Movie Premiere, Dahling...
This is my brother Mike:

This (circled) is my brother Mike in the movie The Greatest Game Ever Played. This is the addy where you can find the full trailer for the movie, including the above scene with my brother Mike:

Tonight we all got free passes to go see an advance screening of the movie, which will open in theaters in about a month or so. By paying careful attention to the background, I saw Mike about 5 times. On the big screen. Tres cool!

I also got driven to work and to the movie by my dad, meaning I could knit on the way, and did about 10 teeny-tiny rows on the baby outfit. Only 2 pant legs and 2 pairs of socks to go.... :)

posted by Jennifer Lori @ 10:29 am   2 comments
Friday, August 26, 2005
New Email Address
I've changed my email address in the sidebar back to jennifer [at] jeloca [dot] com. I'd switched it a while ago when my old net provider kept blocking emails. Apparently I had to notify it of any servers I wanted allowed to email me. So, if you, somewhere out there in, oh, I dunno, Alaska, wanted to email me, I had to psychically sense this and add your server so that your email would go through. I might be in tune, but not that psychic!

You can still email me at jeloca [at] sympatico [dot] ca if you want, I'm not shutting down that addy. Site comments will be forwarded to the new address, though.

Oh, and did you notice I fixed the bold problem? :) I's a genuii!
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 11:07 am   0 comments
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Bold No More!
Hey, if any net-geniuses out there (geneii?) can take a look at my web page code... I'm not sure if this is possible without my passwords, if so forget it. A while ago my computer froze during publishing a post, and ever since all my posts are appearing on my site in bold. I don't want them in bold. I want to use BOLD when I want emphasis, like everyone else. I can't see anywhere in my template that I accidentally turned on a code for bold, so please help me figure this out. I tried asking Blogger but they don't help with template issues, even when they (kinda) cause them.
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 9:33 pm   0 comments
Who Got Kicked Off Big Brother 6 Tonight?
Don't email me the answer to the above question, I'm going to watch my tape in about 20 minutes. I'm just eager to see who leaves. I'm rooting for one group more than another so I can't wait to know who wins HOH.

And that ends the reality TV portion of this post. :)

To Ruby from the comments: Yes, I will be back at the MKG this year. I look forwards to it every month, plus this year I'm updating the website.

To Dorothy from the comments: Thank you for visiting me! I debated posting more about the ring, but I don't want to talk too much about it yet since we're not engaged yet. Once the ring is bought, the dad is asked, and I'm finally asked, I'll post all about it and even a photo. I feel like a jinx if I go on about it too much now, before there's a reason to. Like for example on the drive back from Toronto we started talking about bridesmaid's colors, and I realized I really don't want to start planning a wedding until there's a wedding to plan. But trust me, as soon as it happens I won't be able to keep from posting about it!

Speaking of Toronto, that's where we were all weekend. Bernie and Yafit's wedding was Sunday, so Yannick and I drove down Friday right after work. We arrived around 1:30 am at my aunt's house.

Saturday we spent at the Ex. We didn't see the kid who fell off the Zipper and was caught by the crowd, but we did cave and buy a Bamix hand blender at the home show. I love those "As Seen On TV" things! We also ate more junk food than I will admit. :)

Sunday was the wedding, and in the evening we went to visit an old friend of mine, Jessica, from Montreal who moved to TO after she got married. Then we took my aunt out for dinner at an Italian place somewhere around Eglington or Bathurst.

We spent Monday at Canada's Wonderland and I proved that I am the Queen of Whack-A-Mole and beat out about 15 people (all male) to win a Stewie doll. (For those of you who haven't enjoyed one of the best shows ever, Stewie is the baby from Family Guy, a cartoon that was cancelled and then finally brought back to TV after DVD sales of the first 2 seasons exploded.)

We stopped at a Michael's since there are none here and I bought 2 skeins of Homespun to go with the 1 I already have to make a shawl. I can't believe I left Michael's and only spent $16. I must have been sick.

Finally as we were driving back we saw the sign for Brockville and decided to surprise Julie and Rich, whose apartment we've never seen, and whose address, it turned out, we didn't have. Much calling around later, we were able to surprise them and go out for coffee for a bit. By the time we got home Monday night it was 1:30 am. Circle complete.

I kinda bought myself a bit of a reprieve in my knitting since the big wedding was this weekend and the gifts weren't done, so I will send them up with my aunt when she comes in for the Jewish holidays later on this year. Because I have some (temporary) time free, I'm rushing to get Jackie and Kevin's baby outfit done before the shower on Sept. 18.

I'm making a set in Mandarin Petit. The jacket is blue variegated, the pants are white and the socks are one of the blues from the jacket. I have leftover variegated so I might make an extra pair of socks if there's time. There's also a cute eyelet zigzag pattern in all items. If you have the Mandarin Petit books it's the one with the baby in blue with plaid on the cover. The outfit I'm making is pictured in all white. I'd show off some photos here but I don't have a digital camera any more.
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 8:48 pm   0 comments
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Hi all!

What are there, like 4 people who read this blog? :) I know I don't really give you much to go with here, especially since now I can't even get my pics to upload. And I can only post in the evenings after work, if I get home, and IF I remember. I've even been disappointing myself in how sucky this blog is lately, so I have a few ideas to turn things around.

For starters I'm going to try to blog about stuff in general, including, but not limited to, my knitting. Like why couldn't I have blogged last Thursday to say that Yannick and I went to a jeweler and picked an engagement ring? That was blog-worthy, right? But it never crossed my mind. So I'm really going to make an effort to not worry so much about how funny I am or if I'm witty at all, and just get the words out. I don't care if you like my jokes. I care if you like me.

Also, I'm going to open this blog up a bit. I have the space and don't use it all, so why not share? I'd like to start 2 features on my site: Blogs That Rock and Show Off!

"Blogs That Rock" will be about other people's blogs, so if you know of a site (or even your own) that people should check out, email me or post a comment and I'll let everyone know. We can even do a little Q&A (I almost typed T&A there, whoops!) I'm not limiting this to knitting blogs, so don't worry if it's not craft-related.

"Show Off!" is where you or anyone you know gets to, well, show off. I know that not everyone has a blog or even a website, so if you have pics of knitting (or crochet) FOs that you're super proud of, email them to me or post a comment with a link (if they're in an online photo album) and post the pic and a blurb here for everyone to see. They will always be here in my archives and I'll even make up a page where everyone can show off. You'll get your own post write-up all about your FO and what makes it so special. Did you learn a new technique? Master intarsia? Win a war with dpns? Whatever it is, tell me about it and I'll tell everyone. Even if you have a blog of your own but don't think anyone ever goes to see it, send me a pic or a link and you'll get your own post too!
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 9:43 pm   4 comments
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Just a quick post to let my Secret Pal know that I got her postcard in the mail today. Thank you! Don't worry about sending me anything, I'm just happy to be a part of this.

To everyone else, I'm still knitting, still living. Ignore all the blog mess right now, I'm in the middle of switching to a cheaper server and haven't moved all my files over yet.

posted by Jennifer Lori @ 10:08 pm   0 comments
Monday, August 08, 2005
Intertwined Cables Scarf Progress

Since Yannick was home for the weekend with his Palm I was able to get some shots of one of the wedding gifts. Due August 21st. Am I freaking out yet?
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 10:43 am   1 comments
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Shout out to Curves
I'm not making this a long post 'cus I have to get back to knitting. The 2 wedding gifts are due August 21st and I'm not even close to being done!

Just a quick reply to Jenger, who left a comment on the last post: I'm really enjoying Curves. I haven't had any weight changes yet but I also only started eating as I should this week, so we'll have to go from here. I'm in my 3rd week and go 3 times a week. I did notice a change in my stamina and endurance, though, as I sweated like a pig with a bright red face the first week, and now I break a sweat, but not pouring buckets. Wow, could I fit any more cliched metaphors in this paragraph? I'm pleased as punch with the workout, I really enjoy it and don't feel like I'm exercising. The one I go to most often (there are 2 close to my home, and 1 close to work) has enough machines that you do 2 circuits then some stretching and you're done. The first circuit goes so fast that it's over before you realize. The second circuit I start counting how many machines are left to do but it's still really, REALLY fast. The stretching doesn't take long (about 14 poses, 15 seconds each) and after 35 minutes TOPS I'm out of there. I also (conveniently) have to pass 2 sushi restaurants on the way home, so I usually give myself a little reward afterwards... :) (Don't worry, nothing covered in tempura, I pick the healthy stuff).

Good knitting, and goodnight!
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 10:43 pm   1 comments
Another "Checking In" Post
Hi all. I know I'm really lax on posting right now. What can I say, I've been busy. I'm sorry. I would love to post more often but I don't have the internet at work and when I get home I'm so tired I don't usually think of sitting at the computer. I don't "hang out" at the computer at home like I used to when I lived at home 'cus there's no TV in my office. :)

I also traded in my old Palm for a new one without a camera, so I'll only be able to post pics on weekends when Yannick's home...until he's home for good again.

This isn't goodbye, I've just slowed down a bit. It'll pick up, I promise. So, how are you all doing?
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 11:34 am   0 comments
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