It would do me good to remember that I have a blog and you know, update it once in a while.
Good news- the honeymoon photos were recovered! My uncle gave the disk to his technician who was able to get them all back for us! Maybe 6 or so have black bars across them that ruin the photo, but I can't complain because all the others are perfect.
I did some knitting on the honeymoon (not when Y and I were together, only when I was alone saving seats or while he ws rollerblading) and am somewhere about 3/4 done the Shoalwater Shawl which I will always call my Honeymoon Shawl. It will actually take a bit longer to finish because once the shawl itself is done (which grows 4 sts every 2 rows and thus takes longer for each row) I still have the knitted border. As soon as I finish Y's birthday socks I will be finishing the shawl.
This photo doesn't show all my's just what I took on the plane on the way down to Florida. I am waiting for the all-clear from my uncle before I start using my memory card again and can take new pics (my Canon doesn't have internal memory). I have finished the bottom chart, a full repeat of the top chart, and halfway through the second repeat. I will be posting some wedding photos over the weekend once Yannick and I go over them and choose the nice ones. ;) To Nicole: I might be able to make you a poodle skirt by your deadline...please email me directly (as in, don't comment here) because with the comments I don't have an email address for you. To everyone who wished good wishes on the wedding and honeymoon...thank you! |