Sunday, November 06, 2005 |
Productive |
For some reason I'm feeling really productive today. I've also been looking at my outstanding list of wips and it's really bugging me, especially all the wips that only need seaming or buttons. The first sweater I ever knit has been finished for almost 2 years but has only needed seaming. The mini cardigan I knit for my knitting class last year only needs buttons. I can't call these things "done" until they are, but my laziness has stopped me from doing anything about them. Until now.
Hehehe doesn't that sound like a movie promo?
[picture solemn announcer voice here] She let things go. She didn't do anything about them. Until now.
Yannick and I have spent a lazy weekend in front of the TV catching up on my tapes. Friday night we stayed in and vegged, and I knit up the last bit of the ruche for Yafit's Glam Coat. Last night we were supposed to go over to Jackie and Kevin's but Yannick thinks he caught a cold from sleeping with the window open so we didn't want to infect their baby, and we stayed home. I seamed the ruche to the sweater, and today wove in the last bits of the ends. The coat is technically done, but I still need to go out tomorrow and buy buttons to keep it closed. I just put Bernie's scarf in a bath of Eucalan to soak and I'll be blocking it momentarily, and then I can go next Monday to the post office and put those in the mail.
We met with a minister today to see if we'd want her to marry us. It's the Unitarian minister who married my cousin Barbara Anne. We didn't want to do the Rabbi/Priest thing, so Unitarian seemed to be the way to go. She was really nice and friendly, and we were very happy with her so we signed on the spot. We're getting married! I know that I know we're getting married, but stuff like this just makes it seem so official. I was grinning through the whole thing! Let's see, that means we've got the hall booked, the food booked, the band booked, the photographer booked, the videographer booked and the minister booked. And I've got trials for hair and makeup over the next few weeks. Whew!
So getting back to the productivity thing, much as I want to start something new now that the gifts are done, I'm not letting myself. I know that I'll be starting Yannick's mom's vest soon anyways as soon as the wool gets here, so in the meantime I was going to pick up the Enchanted Forest cardigan. Maybe I will, tomorrow. Today I'm forcing myself to finish stuff.
So: 1) the To Dye For Sweater only needs seaming 2) the Mini Cardigan only needs button sewed on 3) the Snowflake Fair Isle Headband only needs to be grafted (ack my first grafting)
I have other wips but I don't feel like knitting a lace sock or thrumming today so those will wait until later. Today my goal is to finish 1-3.
Oh, and to post pictures of all of the above. |
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 5:56 pm |