Monday, May 09, 2005 |
What a wonderful day! |
I know I promised pictures today, but it will be put off until tomorrow. Forgive me, but I spent the last 4 hours bent over the kitchen table making stitch markers. I have 100 done, but a sore back and neck and I'm too tired to start taking pictures now.
I did want to quickly just say what a wonderful day I had! The day started off with my knitting class. I was a few minutes late because Yannick drove me in, but it didn't matter. After doing almost a round of my felted knitting bag I got very bored of it and switched to the Mandarin Petit cotton for Jackie and Kevin's baby's outfit (the yarn and pattern picked with Jackie on Wednesday). I'm not swatching 'cus the sleeve is only 40 sts wide and the swatch is 27 sts, so worse comes to worse I rip and redo a sleeve. If I'm spot-on for the gauge, at least I've got a sleeve done! Almost got frantic 'cus I couldn't find the row gauge anywhere for that cotton. (Nicole ended up finding it later, it's 38 rows to 4", in case you were wondering.)
When I mentioned to Nicole that Yannick and I would be going to the Bead Emporium today, she suggested we go to Chateau Bead on St-Hubert instead, saying it would be much cheapter. Well. Let me tell you she was right in saying it was like a candy store! Cabinet after cabinet of beads and you help yourself with ziplock baggies and pens to mark the prices. Yannick and I must have spent over an hour in there, poring over all the different kinds. I was drawn to the Swarovski (sp?) crystals the most, but couldn't afford them. They were gorgeous but I'd never get back my cost. I ended up buying a whole bunch of beads that I used tonight to make markers, and Yannick (such a sweetie!) bought 6 HUGE Swarovski crystal squares to make stitch markers just for me! :]
When we finally got home I sat down with my wires and pliers, and only stopped to go out for dinner. Now I've got a grand total of 130-ish beaded stitch markers that I've got to price tomorrow when I get home from the Knitting Guild meeting, along with making another few dozen. And I've got a headache and neckache, but it's worth it every time I look at the huge bag of markers!
Tomorrow: pictures! |
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 11:53 pm |