Monday, May 02, 2005 |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy gets 2 Thumbs Up! |
Run, don't walk to see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, if you like either a) the books, b) any other Douglas Adams books, c) British-style humor, d) sci-fi stuff, e) adorably-manicaly-depressed robots.
I loved it. Loved it. So did Yannick, and he claims not to be a geek. (He claims to be the cool guy that took me- the geek- under his wing for protection, but that's another story.)
And there's even something in it, a little treat for the knitters out there. :] Here's a pic to conjure strange thoughts:
My only complaint would be that they cut out big chunks of the storyline, but then it would be a 40+ hour movie if they didn't. Still, basic elements were all there, and the casting was superb. An excellent movie that will definitely be in my collection. |
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 12:56 am |