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  • Pattern will be for sale as of October 1 2008
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I Want to Knit
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Happy Mother's Day!
To all the moms out there who are moms, were moms, or will be moms, in any traditional and non-traditional sense of the word, have a great Mother's Day! May your children or partner or yourself spoil you today and make you feel like the Queen you are!

I'm mom to a lovable, furry, 12 lb child who looks nothing like me or Yannick but I'm still proud to call my own. Ok, maybe the stubborness and cat-ishness comes from me, but the laziness is pure Yannick! :)

Tomorrow I'm going to the Bead Emporium for the first time ever and will probably be really inspired to make tons of stitch markers when I get home, so I'm taking today to knit! I know I shouldn't bring anything too complicated tonight so I'll be bringing the felted bag which means today is my day to lay around and work on the hard stuff...or at least deal with charts. I'm up to row 40-something of the right front on Enchanted Forest, so I want to get as much done as possible.

To Laura from the comments: I hope I didn't come off in my FiberRAOK email as if I was expecting to sit back and receive. My only reason for feeling "left out" is because I had put in time and effort to visit blogs, to post and even sent out some not-very-inexpensive RAOKs. I guess my problem was that I "expected" to receive something in return, even 1 thing, from anyone. I know it's all about being generous and loving and that was the attitude I joined was only after months had gone by that my feelings changed.

To Karla from the comments: Thank you so much for coming on by! I was happy with the little smileys too. My LYS wants some that are more "jewelled" to sell there, but when I made the smiley ones I was home sick with strep throat and feeling awful and had just broken my 5th little plastic flat ring marker, so when I decided to make a couple to cheer me up, nothing from my bead stash worked but those happy little guys. The bright glass beads were the perfect add-on, and they were really just to cheer me up. I never get how my work can intimidate anyone. Even though I technically learned to knit as a kid, I didn't touch it until last year. I'm still new, I just don't let myself get worried about anything. So a pattern is listed as experienced? So what? There are always only 2 stitches, knit and purl. If you have to use them in any weird combination the pattern will tell you, and if you really get stuck there are groups or blogs with people you can ask for help, or even local people like at a LYS. I'm no expert, I just make whatever I want. Sure, the cable trees on the Enchanted Forest LOOK hard, even Super-Difficult-So-Hard-Oral-Surgery-Would-Be-A-Pleasure. But are they hard? Nope. And why does that make ME intimidating? So I can follow a chart...I didn't design the thing. Personally, I don't think anything in knitting is difficult. Sure, it might be "hard" to get the point of some needles into 2 or more sts for some decreases, but that's only because of the needle, not the pattern. Sure it might be awkward to follow some instructions, and maybe my grafting doesn't look professional. Does that mean it's difficult? Nah, it just means I need more practice. And the only way to practice is to do it! Please don't be intimidated by me. I'm just a 27 year old girl who works for her dad and knits in her free time, which is a lot since she doesn't have kids and her boyfriend's not usually home. There is nothing I've knit that you can't. Trust me.

To Atouria from the comments: If we ever go KIP together, I'll eat your shrimp. :) Until I got my Palm I always had a puzzle book (Dell or Penny Press, crosswords and other types of "pencil puzzles") and my gameboy with me. I got the Palm right after my gameboy Advance so I haven't used it much, but it's really cute in pink LOL. I love the idea of a knitter carrying knitting in something they've knitted, which is partly why I'm working on a felted knitting bag for myself. Good luck with the sari silk, I hear that yarn is simply gorgeous!

Other news: I just found out my uber-friend Bernie is engaged, so a huge CONGRATULATIONS go out to him.

Lastly, when I'm not knitting I'm working on a little something with my brother Mike. You see, Mike and I are both really smart and really competitive, especially in trying to prove that we're smarter than the other. A few years ago we each bought a puzzle book (the same one), carefully cut out the answers in the back, and proceeded to race to finish the book. Over a year later it still wasn't finished (I don't like the math puzzles, and he can't top me on the crostics) but I have more done. At Hanukah last year he bought us each a new book- 562 pages this time! One of the big books! Anyways he's always trying to see if I'm beating him, so later on today I'll put a link up in the sidebar with my progress.
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 12:18 pm  
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