I'm very excited. At 9:30 tonight I will be parking my behind in a movie theater to watch The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with a big tub of buttered popcorn. You see, Passover ends at 9:00pm, so the popcorn will blessedly be mine. And I've read the 5 (6?) books that make up THGTTG about 4 times since high school. I've been waaaaaiiiiiiiiiiting for the movie version to come out, and now it's out. And I can eat popcorn. It's really a cause for celebration!
This is what I found in my inbox a little while ago:
Is it bad when I'm being told to lose weight by my computer? I think I should be insulted. I would take this to heart, but I'm too excited. I've been coming up with all kinds of design ideas, knitting of course, and I'm itching to get started. I'm going to buy/order what I need at my LYS tomorrow, but first I'm on a mission to find a white wool that felts. Then stand back, because I'm hoping my ideas will explode! Happy end of Passover! |