I wanted to post last night when I got home but I was too tired. I think I got too much oxygen from laughing my @$$ off.
Last night was the knitting meetup at Second Cup on Monkland. It's not called until 7 or 7:30, but I go straight from work, so if you walk by from 6:10 onwards you'll see one lonely looking blonde knitting away...that's me! So I went last night and discovered almost the entire place marked off with "reserved" signs. I think, "Cool! Knitters getting respect!" But no, turns out the reservation was for a Jewish speed dating group. Luckily I was there so I could grab the remaining 6 tables. Zaina arrived early too so she spread out her jacket and books and stuff over the tables and we guarded them until more people showed up. Who was there? Um...me, Zaina, Nadine, Kady, Ada, Michelle, Jennifer, Mary, a new girl named Melanie I'm pretty sure, and Deawn. Oh. My. God.
If you're a member of the montrealknits yahoo group then you've been privy to that which is Deawn. All I can say about meeting her in person is that I'm sure any onlookers thought we were spiking our drinks because she's such a riot we couldn't stop laughing! If you've already met her, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't then do it already. Deawn, like I said last night, "You're funny! Can I keep you?"
I had such a good time! I have yet to meet a knitter I don't like, and it really makes me happy to go. I was really happy to know that Jennifer is seaming her first sweater, and to see Ada's Blythe dolls, and to hear about everyone's day, see what they're knitting, etc... Even poor Zaina, stuck here thanks to the US Customs and Immigration people, I feel bad she's stuck here but I was glad to see her last night. I really, really enjoy the meetups. To anyone who thinks a knitting group must be staid and solumn, full of grannies or losers- you really need to expand your horizons. I didn't get everyone's ages, but just a sample from last night is 21, 23, 27(me), 35, 44. And trust me, just 'cus our hands are busy doesn't mean our mouths can't work! The conversation and laughter and seriousness is non-stop, everything from boob to Bush.*
Here are some progress pics:
This is my swatch with the Sirocco Cotton & Linen with which I will now be making myself a Shapely Tee. This is me showing off the manicure I got last Friday. I chose blue to be funky, then noticed how well it matched my knitting! This pic shows off the completed sleeves for the baby outfit [Note to self: look up actual name of pattern] I like this pic better 'cus it looks more like the jacket will. :) Now I'm working on the front & back, done in one piece up to the armpits. The bottom has the same eyelet row as the sleeves do, but then a few rows with another eyelet pattern making a Charlie Brown-esque zig-zag. Oxycise update: Other than a minor slip (who knew Dairy Queen's Reece's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzards were SO good???) I've been pretty good. Done the workout every day since Monday. Down 4.4 lbs so far. I'm not getting too excited 'cus a) I haven't been hungry so haven't been eating much, I'm sure that will change soon and the lbs will come back, and b) I'm pretty positive at least 3 of those lbs are all the hair I cut off Tuesday night. I went to the hairdresser to touch up my highlights and decided to cut in layers. My hair had been all one length, down to the middle of my back. At least 3" past the bra. Now my layers start at the tips of my ears, the longest part is about 3" shorter than my hair used to be and the rest is cut in blended layers all over my head. It's really cute and kinda sexy for summer, plus it makes the perm I got last summer actually show up for the first time. No joke, my hair was stick straight again the very next day, and ever since. Now it looks like I have beach hair- the blonde messy waves. So most of the lbs loss is probably my hair, but we'll see as time goes on. I'll probably put back at least 2 lbs tonight- it's Sushi Thursday.
*Um...I meant the variety of topics from boobs to schools to goverment cuts to gyno appointments to George Bush...not "boobs to bush" in the OTHER way. ;) |
hehe boobs to bush :) I wasn't even thinking that til you qualified..it does sound funny though :)