Thursday, February 03, 2005 |
wip update |
I did get a bit of work done while vegging tonight. I couldn't work on the dog sweaters because I still need to modify the pattern and I left it at work by mistake. I would have worked on the Sweetheart Mittens for Yannick's Valentine's Day present, but I've already done so much and still have 11 days, so I thought I'd take a break on that. The other project that needed work was the lace socks for my knitting class. Even though we're working on fair isle in our class this coming Monday, we need to be ready to turn the heel by the following week, so I used the time tonight on the sock.
This is the sock, loose. You can't really see much.
This is the sock slipped over my cordless phone to expand it a bit and show some of the stitch detail. I know you can't see much, but I also only didn't measure it, but the ribbing alone was only 2 cm, and that was 11 rows, and I've only done 10 rows of the lace pattern after that, so this is only roughly 4 cm of sock. I tried slipping it over my water bottle to stretch it further, but it looked really stupid and I was worried it was stretching it too far, because it looked really tight.
Now I'm off to bed, even though it's only 11:30pm and this is really early for me. I'm sure I won't fall asleep until at least 1am 'cus I bring my Palm to bed and I'm usually reading or playing around...but at least if I'm up I'll be able to see Yannick when he gets home later and it will be the first time I've seen him all day, so there's always a bonus, even though I'll be tired tomorrow. :)
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 11:23 pm |