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I Want to Knit
Monday, January 31, 2005
sorry it's been so long between posts...
...but me + sick + knitting deadlines + life + more sick (does not) = productivity.

Friday night I only managed to do 2 rows on the scarf before our friends arrived to play cards. Don't ask what I did in the 2 hours that only allowed me 2 rows to knit...I don't know. I have nothing to show for it.

Saturday I worked, then had enough time to cast on & rib the 60 req'd sts for a lace sock for my knitting class Mondays. The yarn is so fine! I'd done Yannick's sock with a 4-ply, but this one is a 3-ply and I don't think it will fit me. Then I met some friends for dinner. I would have loved to have cancelled because I felt so crappy, but I was the one who had organized it last week before getting sick, and didn't feel right canceling. So wouldn't you know it, 5 mins before having to leave, Yannick asks me to take my car to go 'cus he wanted to go to bed, he wasn't feeling well! So I got stuck going alone, sick, when I was the one who wanted to bail! Dinner was good though, and we wound up seeing a movie after, which was kinda a punishment for Yannick 'cus he'd wanted to see "Meet the Fockers" and I ended up seeing it without him. I was so drained though, and had coughed so much through the movie, that I got home and crashed immediately.

The lack of oxygen must have gotten to me, 'cus for the first time in over 6 years I slept through the entire night, not waking up until 12 pm!!! I NEVER sleep past 10, and am usually up between 8-9 even on weekends, earlier when I have work that day. I couldn't believe I fell asleep at 12:30 am and slept straight until 12pm. I must have really needed the rest.

Yannick and I lunched at Montana's 'cus we had a coupon for -$10 that expired that day, then did some groceries and went to my parents' house for the night. My dad needed Yannick's help installing something, so we went there for dinner. It was such a horrible day for me! Not the company, just the sickness. I don't know how many times I burst into tears at Loblaws, 'cus each time I got into a coughing fit, my throat hurt so much and my brain felt like it was trying to squeeze out my left eye socket, that I couldn't control it and started crying. At my parents' I took a cough syrop with codeine twice in the space of 4 hours (3 hrs between doses) and STILL kept coughing so much I was so weak and exhausted. The only good thing that came out of it was my dad saw I was really still sick and felt bad about forcing me to go to work each day :) He was actually the one who suggested I go back to the doctor.

While we were there my mom was busy finishing a scrapbook and Yannick was helping my dad, so I lay in my parents' bed, watching TV and knitting. I finished the Vegas scarf! Woo hoo! Now I can develop the pictures and send them to Paulette Lane and next year we'll see my Knitting Game in the 2006 calendar!

This is the scarf surrounded by the 6 balls of yarn I used. I can't wait for the pic to be developed from my camera so you can see the true colors, 'cus it's not really purple, more blue/mauve/navy/gray/silver.

This is a closeup. Again, way too purple, and due to the Palm's fuzziness, you can't see much difference between the stitches. I hope the camera pics come out better!

This morning I had my knitting class. I really look forwards to going each week, even though it means I can only sleep in on Sundays. My dad said if I was so sick I shouldn't be going. I told him if I'm well enough to go to work, I'm well enough to go to my class! Besides, if it was contageous, it would have been earlier last week when I had my fever, not any longer. It's been a week already, I think it's just a lingering cough now.

In class we came to the conclusion that the 3-ply was just too thin. I switched it for a nice cream-colored 4-ply and managed to do 5 rows in rib (after casting on and doing 2 rows in 1x1 rib before remembering I prefer the look of 2x2 so starting over!). I'm really looking forward to next week's class, we'll be learning fair isle. I've never done colorwork other than stripes, so I'm really interested in learning. I have books on the subject, but I really prefer learning in person, with others. You get to learn from eachother's mistakes, have hands-on help and support, and besides, Nicole has so many little tricks for different techniques, I'd prefer to learn from her than from a book. We'll be making headbands, and the plan is to work on that in class next week while working on the socks at home, so hopefully by the following week we'll all be at the heel. She will be showing us 2 heel techniques, the square and the triangle (I'm making up names, I don't know what they're called). I've done the square one, and it looks fine on the person, but when the sock is off it looks a bit weird. Acceptable, but weird. The triangle version looks more polished and sleek, so that's the one I want to learn.

I called my doctor's office before leaving the shopping center where my LYS is. I don't want to make an appointment to see my Dr. if it really is just the virus I have which you can't treat, so when the secretary answered the phone, I told her when I got sick, what my symptoms were, and what I was doing for it. I asked her to ask my Dr. if there was any point in me coming in to see him, or if I should just keep "self-medicating" the way I've been doing all week. She's supposed to call me back and let me know.

Now my plan is to get moving and do the 2 commissioned sweaters for the pet store. I also told her I'd bring her an aran sweater, but I really want to make Yannick a pair of sweetheart mittens for Valentine's Day and that's 2 weeks away. If I rush I can have the 2 commissioned sweaters done by Wednesday (I hope!) which will leave me a week and a half to squeeze in 3 mittens (1 for me, 1 for him, 1 for both of us). I was smart and measured his hand while he slept this morning so I know I can make it to fit him. Now I just need the time.

Oh, and to Moze from the comments:
I've NEVER heard of the onion remedy! I love onions, but in honey???? Yuch. The other idea sounds much better...although I don't see why I couldn't add the yummy sugar. :) Thanks for the ideas! It's nice to have people wish me well. Yannick's seen me sick for a week now, so he forgets that it's still nice to hear "hope you feel better".
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 11:50 am  
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