Wednesday, January 26, 2005 |
Owwie. |
My throat is killing me!
Sorry for the long gap in posts, but UGH I've been unwell.
Although I didn't post again that night, I did finish the entrelac tam Sunday night. I would have stayed up to post but I was home alone and started to feel a bit sick so I went to bed early. I still need to wash it and block it with a pie plate inside to create the classic "tam" shape, but here are some preliminary pics.
here's the front, on my creepy mannequin head. I was supposed to paint her and bring her back to work, but I like having her here...she's a good model for scarves and hats and stuff. In the background you can see the 2005 Knitting-Pattern-A-Day calendar, and the ivory Filatura di Crosa "Brilla" that I undid and restrung with 3 bags' worth of beads.
here's the back, showing how the entrelac comes together in a cute star-like shape when you decrease it on both sides of the rectangles. I like entrelac flat with two colors to make it look "woven", but this hat was really easy. I can see myself making more of these!
here's the reason I was worried during my last row...this little bit of yarn is all the Alafoss Lopi I had left! Could you imagine having to buy another skein just for a few rows? I'd shoot myself...then use the leftovers to make fuzzy feet or something. That little sketch you see on the white paper was my attempt at illustrating entrelac to someone who wasn't staying on for the afternoon workshop.
On Monday I woke up and knew right away I was sick. I crack my neck and the minute I went to move it I felt the heat and swollen-ness of my muscles. Still I had a commitment and I went to my knitting class. We have to be at least 5 or the class is cancelled, and I don't want to be the one who makes everyone else not be able to attend. I love the class, but I feel so bad when I do more than the other "students". Basically it sums up like this...1 woman didn't show up, 2 women made little or no progress on their class sweaters...and we haven't met since early November, 1 woman finished her sweater and made a pair of mittens...and then there's me. Since our last class I've finished the class sweater, made a pair of thrummed mittens, a felted bag, a thrummed sock (1, not the pair), crocheted 3 baby outfits and booties, crocheted (and sold) a pig, knitted 3 dog sweaters, finished a pair of Regia socks, and created a knitting game. And I'm probably forgetting something. Luckily the women in the class are really, really nice and don't think I'm trying to show off or be teacher's pet or anything. At least, I hope they don't! I just probably have more free time than they do, I'm not married and don't have kids.
The class was fun, we outlined how we'll structure the next classes, since technically our level 1 class is finished, but we all want to stay on and learn more. We were going to move into fair isle next, but somehow wound up doing lace socks. I don't mind, I enjoy dpns and haven't worked lace yet. Plus, I already have the book we're working from. Now I just need to find the time this week to cast on and work at least the ribbing.
After class I had a doctor's appointment that was just a follow-up from something a few months ago. While I was there I mentioned to the secretary that I had a low grade fever last night, and was feeling hot again, could she take my temperature please while I was waiting. She did, but I think she was in a hurry. In any case, she said it was normal. When I saw my doc I mentioned feeling crappy, and how when we babysat this weekend, the youngest had a really high fever and I held him most of the weekend. He said there were 2 viruses going around...1 that caused a sore throat, the other that caused diarrhea (sp?). I said I was feeling the former. He said that because it was a virus, there was nothing to do for it. Gargle with salt water, take aspirin, tea, chicken soup. I didn't push the issue 'cus other than feeling a bit feverish, I wasn't feeling that bad.
I came home and started to work on my Vegas scarf. Why was I working on that all of a sudden? When I have 2 orders for dog sweaters? 1 extra dog sweater? A teddy bear to make? I have a very good answer for that:
I spoke to Paulette Lane via email, and my knitting game will be appearing in the 2006 Knitting-Pattern-A-Day calendar! Woo hoo! I'm so excited! But I need to have a photo for her of a FO or at least a WIP by the beginning of February, so that's why it takes priority at the moment.
Well. Around 3:00pm my throat went from sorta-hurting, to mega-hurting, and I was feeling really crappy. So bad, in fact, that I made myself soup for supper at around 4:30, just so I could go to bed early. I went to bed, lights closed and everything, at 6:00pm. I woke up at 8:00pm when Yannick called, then fell right back asleep...until... WHAM! I woke up again. I think it was somewhere around 11:30 or so. I was SO COLD! Now, I was in a heated waterbed, wearing long-sleeved and long-legged pjs, socks, and under 3 blankets. I had to actually get up and put on my bathrobe over/under all that. I took my temperature... 102.1!!! A hundred and freaking two point one! And the nurse said I was fine! RRRRRRRRR I was so cold I was almost crying just because I felt like I'd never be warm again. And every 45 minutes to an hour I was waking up, freezing. Periodically I'd turn on the light and take my temperature again, it varied throughout the night, but never lower than 101.2.
Needless to say I didn't go to work on Tuesday. My fever was down a little, but my throat was raw and I hadn't slept more than 45 minutes straight the entire night. I did sleep most of the day but got a little knitting done. It was hard to make progress though, I'd start knitting one row, pause somewhere to pay attention to the TV, wind up staring at the TV in a daze, then realize 1/2 an hour had gone by and I still hadn't finished the row.
I took a pic, but it's hard to see all the luscious colors because of my sucky Palm camera. (Note to Palm Gods, I LOVE the Palm, please don't curse me. I just mention the camera isn't the greatest.)
I really, REALLY wish you could see the colors properly. Instead of mauves and purples like this pic suggests, it's actually blends of blues, grays and a bit of navy and purple. And, of course, the silver "tinsel". I have to say, I loved the skeins when I bought them, but as I knit, I am stunned at how gorgeous this scarf is turning out! I really, really can't wait to finish it so I can wear it, because I think it is the most beautiful thing. And yes, it's "just a scarf".
Last night I went to bed early again, and was woken up only by Yannick getting home and showing me the ice-cream he'd bought me to soothe my throat. I wish it was spontaneous, but I had called and asked him to pick it up after bowling. Still, he did comply, which is sweet, especially since it meant stopping at 10:30 just to buy me ice-cream. And it was Hagen-Daaz too! Sweetie!
Today I had to go to work. I did take it easy most of the day, but I'm feeling pretty wiped. I pretty much lived on hot stuff...2 hot teas at work (and my mug is about 5 cups), 2 onion soups for supper. I was supposed to have some ice-cream tonight but I don't know if I have the energy to go downstairs to get it. It was nice though that my parents invited us for supper. At least I didn't have to cook or clean while feeling this crappy.
So, I didn't get any knitting done today, but at least I'm able to get another good night's sleep. And as Scarlett would say, "tomorrow is another day".
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 9:27 pm |
Poor you!
I strongly suggest you send hubby out to pick up Buckley's Cough, Cold, and Flu caplets. They're keeping me and about 30 of my friends walking around and working this week.
I hope you feel better soon. If all else fails, try a hot toddy, with honey, lemon, cayenne, and cloves. Honey-lemon soothes, cayenne drains your nose, and the cloves are an aenastetic.
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Poor you!
I strongly suggest you send hubby out to pick up Buckley's Cough, Cold, and Flu caplets. They're keeping me and about 30 of my friends walking around and working this week.
I hope you feel better soon. If all else fails, try a hot toddy, with honey, lemon, cayenne, and cloves. Honey-lemon soothes, cayenne drains your nose, and the cloves are an aenastetic.