Wow! I'm so thrilled that people actually answered my call for comments on the RAOK board! Thanks guys!
To Gina: thanks for the kind words! Sam's actually pretty laid back, so I knew he wouldn't mind the coat. I was more worried he wouldn't sit still long enough for me to take the picture.
To Mar: I think the coat is adorable too. It's one of my favorites of the ones I sell. If your daughter ever wants one, the pattern is the Snazzy Jacket with Faux Fur from The Gift Knitter by Tara Jon Manning. (And yes, I have the publisher's permission to sell items I hand-knit from the book's patterns.)
To itgirl (Rebecca): As I mentioned to Gina, Sam is REALLY laid back. Even when we had Yannick's 4 nephews sleep over (all under 8 years old) they were carrying him around and lying on him, and he just sat there and took it. Plus his front claws are declawed, so I didn't have to worry all that much. :) Thank you for mentioning the socks I'm knitting. They're my first attempt at lace knitting, and my first time working from a chart. Not my first socks though. They're the ones labeled "24" in this pic:
 and they're from this book:

which I really love and really recommend. There are 31 patterns in here! 22 for socks, 5 kids' sweaters, 2 womens' and 2 men's, all really nice (except that they're worked in sock yarn so they take forever lol). To Jenifer: I'm glad Sam sat still for the pic, although I don't think pink is really his color. I think the jacket will look much better on the Maltese/Bichon Frise it was made for! I'm glad to know I didn't miss an issue of knit.1 though. I really like some of the patterns! There is a sweatshirt in the first one I can't wait to make, plus a whole bunch of other things. I'm looking forwards to the next issue. To Julie: thanks! I'm glad you like the coat, and when I do have kids one day and torture them, I'll explain to the authorities that you said it was ok. ;) "But officer, I had permission...." LOL Although I can't wait to have kids so I can knit for them one day. To Chelsea: I will be going to swipe that button tomorrow, I'll do anything if it will encourage people to comment! I upkeep this blog for myself but it's nice to know if anyone actually reads it! And Sam wants to thank you for calling him a "kitten". He'll be 5 April 1st but is really flattered you think he still looks young. I'm not kidding, he's actually preening in the mirror as I type this. :) To kmckiernan (Keri): Thank you for coming by and posting! (And I won't tell Sam you called him a girl. His ego is fragile- see above comment to Chelsea) :) A big thank you to you all for posting, and to anyone else who comes by and drops me a line, I promise to write a little something back. I really appreciate this! As for today, some minor knitting content. I dropped off the jacket at the pet accessories store. They liked it, but I was disappointed to find out the two other custom ones I made didn't fit the intended dogs. I know I triple-checked my work, even to the point of rolling up towels to the required diameters to check the fit, so I doubt it's my work. Either I was given the wrong measurements, or the woman tried them on the wrong dog (I made 2 different sizes) or I don't know what's wrong, but it bugs me. Anyways, I sold the jacket and got orders for 2 more. These won't be custom, just for stock. 1 is an Aran so I'll get to practice my cables, and the other has a kangaroo pocket and some chain-stitch embroidery, so I'll get to work on my lettering skills. Now off to bed 'cus we went to see the late show of Constantine but I still work tomorrow. The movie was great btw, really, really enjoyed it. Oh, and if anyone goes to see it, stay until the end of the credits, there's a little bit more coming. |
I'll have to see if I can't find a picture of my oldest when he was a baby. He had an adorable little sweatsuit that was all yellow and the hood had an orange duck's bill on the front with appliqued eyes above. I know he's set that forth as a prime example of kid torture. ;)