I found this flyer hanging on my front door this morning, and there were a few things about it that struck me.
Notice how it says, "Be Hot"? Don't get me wrong, I know exactly what use of "hot" they're using, but still...
...does this girl look hot to you? I'm not exactly old, I'm only going to be 30 in 2 weeks, but even I want to tell her to stop pulling her shirt down, stand up straight, and for crying out loud go put on a sweater if it is that cold in there! |
OH. My. God. I got the same flyer on my door when I got home. I asked my husband if he needed new jeans, or if he was feeling cold. He looked at my funny. The flyer promptly got shredded.
Hot indeed - the girl needs a nice hand-knit sweater that covers up all of her skin. Doesn't she know that she can catch a cold with all of that flesh showing??!?!?!?