Thursday, May 26, 2005 |
Blah. |
I really hope it's the weather. I don't know why, I usually LOVE rainy days and stormy weather, but today for some reason I'm just feeling so sad and out of it. If I stop and think there is technically nothing wrong. Yannick and I haven't really been fighting, my knitting is going well, I've lost a couple of pounds, and I'm going to Las Vegas in less than 2 weeks. Yet I can't shake this feeling like I just want to cry! I was planning on coming home from work tonight, doing my exercise tape, taking a shower and knitting until sleepy. Instead I dragged myself into the kitchen to make popcorn and promised myself I'd take my shower in the morning before work. I'm knitting maybe a row every 5-10 minutes, and have 0 desire to be working on the Shapely Tank tonight. I don't even think it's project blues because the thought of working on something else or even starting something new isn't appealing to me. I know how good I'd feel if I did my tape and yet I'm just too depressed to do it, plus the later it gets the more I don't want to have to shower late at night. I know I'm going to lose this funk soon, I'm sure it's just temporary, but is it so wrong that a part of me just wants to curl up in bed with a comforter (hey- apt name) and a knitting book, a big mug of tea and some Kleenex?
Ok, I need to cheer myself up. What's good?* -I've completed the entire front and 31 of the estimated 170 rows of the back on Shapely Tank -I got to speak to Bernie today even though it was only for a few minutes. (P.s. to Bernie- don't feel obliged to accept a knitting gift, eh? Feel free to tell me if you'd rather another type of gift. My aim is to please YOU GUYS, and getting to knit something would only be a bonus for me) :) -Yannick doesn't want to break up with me (not that we're on the brink or anything. I just asked him tonight "do you want to break up with me" and his answer was "no, of course not, why would you ask me that?" so I'm pretty safe in my assumption.) -I will be getting The Jansen Directive and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on cd and tape, respectively, back from the library once the person who reserved them- thus stopping me from renewing them- gives them back, 'cus I've reserved them right back. -I have lost a few pounds and changed my eating habits. -While I'm not sure if I like my haircut, it is much easier to comb after a shower. -I'm cute. -Secret Pal 5 will be starting up anytime soon and I'm hopefully going to be a part of it. -My cousin Robyn changed her bridesmaid dress color from red (hard to find) to black (whew!). -Yannick will be home soon and can give me a hug.
Ok, so I do have something to look forwards to.
*This reminds me of the anniversary gift I gave Yannick last year. For an entire year I kept a journal listing 10 items a day that made me thankful to have him in my life, and then on our anniversary I had it printed and bound and gave the 2" thick book to him. |
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 9:56 pm   |
Well well well long time, no comment! =) You almost gave me the slip when your feed went down, and then you had your name change, but I am back! I've missed seeing progress pics of your knitting so I'll have to thumb through your archives! I hope today is going a little better for you and that you enjoy secret pals 5! =)
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Well well well long time, no comment! =) You almost gave me the slip when your feed went down, and then you had your name change, but I am back! I've missed seeing progress pics of your knitting so I'll have to thumb through your archives! I hope today is going a little better for you and that you enjoy secret pals 5! =)