There wasn't much on TV tonight that I watch, so I got to catch up on some tapes while knitting away, until 10:00 when I watched Law & Order because I was already taping CSI:NY. I got some good knitting time in...BUT for that $%&$ gauge.
If anyone read yesterday's post you'll remember that I didn't get gauge with the recommended 4mm needle. So I frogged and started over with a 4.5mm. Well I measured again at 24 rows and was still a half-inch short. I decided not to rip again. If this were for a person, or even made to measure, I'd frog. But this is for stock, and just an approximation of the size. If the medium calls for a 12" length and I fall a bit short, I can always make the ribbing longer. I'm not worried about the width as my stitch gauge is spot-on.
So I'm continuing but now with a 5mm. So I have 24 rows at 4.5mm, I'll do 24 rows with 5mm. According to my patt, 48 rows should be 8". I'll see when I get to that point. If it works then I'll do my ribbing at the end with the 4mm or 4.5mm to keep it constant, instead of the 3.5mm called for.
Here's where I am so far:

Because I will have the sweater to do for my LYS as of Monday, my plan until then is to work like mad on this. The other dog sweater is in stockinette and won't take too long, but I need to follow a chart for this one, so I'm trying to finish it first. The plan is to do nothing but knit tomorrow after work, Friday before Julie & Rich come over, Saturday night after supper (I work Sat) and Sunday all day. Here's another 2 pics, just 'cus I think they're cute:

Very cute kitty pics!