Wednesday, January 19, 2005 |
A Day Late, But FO! |
I wanted to post yesterday, really I did. But you know when you don't feel like doing anything? After work yesterday I had to hang around for a bit then drive my dad to bowling, but I managed to not be too late to meet Jackie for our weekly Pilates class. Ok, it's not so much a class as it is us working along with the Windsor Pilates DVDs and making sarcastic comments. Still, once I got home, made dinner, showered, went through a gazillion emails then finally managed to make it, shivering, into bed to knit (it was -34 with the windchill, and I mentioned the shower part, right? Wet + cold = CHILLY)...I just couldn't do anything. I sat there like a zombie watching The Amazing Race. My knitting was right next to me...I just couldn't bring myself to lift my arms and pick it up. Too cold. I finished watching TAR with Yannick when he got home from bowling (yes, my boyfriend and father bowl together. Every week. On a 4 player team. The other players being one of my brothers and one of my cousins. Oh to be a fly on the wall....). We watched the Law & Order SVU I'd taped earlier the same night, then I zonked out.
I also found out yesterday that one of my old friends' marriage has officially been terminated. I knew they were talking about separating, but yesterday he confirmed to me that everything was official, and that he moved out last week- actually to around the corner from me. It's weird. On the one hand, I should technically be paying homage to some kind of voodoo temple or be secretly happy because it just so happens that this friend is actually my ex with a loooooooong history, and his soon-to-be ex-wife is the girl he cheated on me with, then subsequently married. So really, I should probably be happy he got what he deserved. But I feel sad about it. We're still friends, somewhat, and still keep in touch. I even went to his wedding with Yannick, and we've stayed at their country place one weekend long ago. I guess that even after everything that happened between us, I still always wished him nothing but happiness...and thought that he'd found it. Nobody deserves to get divorced, regardless of what their past was like or what kind of a person they were. I thought he'd finally gotten everything he wanted...his wife, his son...a family. It's sad that relationships don't always work out. I hope he meets someone, maybe the right person this time.
Today was very cool on the work front. Yannick was at the store most of the afternoon. I don't know how I managed to get any work done! And today boasts much better for my abundance of promised knitting. I only had to stop at the grocery store after work and then since Yannick was still at the store I had a nice quiet night to settle in and knit. And I finished the third dog sweater! This one took 6 hours. (The first took 9, and the second is so far around 3.5...but I still have the buttons to sew on. It'll be under 4 hours, anyways.)
I've been searching the mess of stuffed animals we have all over the house for suitable candidates for models, since the dog sweaters look really strange just lying there. I found an excellent model for The Third, in the form of "Lena", the Gund white tiger I bought Yannick when he went into the hospital for his back surgery. She's super soft, and growls when you squeeze her tummy. And she looks great in her pink ribbed turtleneck:
I LOVE this picture! I think it is so cute. The pattern is from Fiber Trends and is called the Beaded Rib Sweater. There are also the Hearts Rib Sweater and the Mock Cable Sweater, and I'll be making those two very soon.
Now I'm off to put together my knitting back for Sweater the Fourth since my addis came in yesterday. I found SUCH a great deal on addi Turbos! I'd signed up with my birthday at RedBirdKnits because you get 10% off every year on/around your bday. So periodically I get emails with news and announcements from Robin of RBK. Well, right before Christmas there was an email that announced a special holiday sale: that current week everything was 10% off, the following week was 15%, etc... until from 12:00am on Dec 25 to 11:59pm Dec 27 (or something like that) whatever stock was left was 40% off. And this is a Canadian vendor. In Canadian dollars! So I set an alarm in my palm to go off, and Christmas Day as we're leaving dinner with his family, Yannick asks me "why is your palm beeping?" It was 12:03am. I was able to move in for the kill. I got 4 skeins of Regia sock yarn (hot pink for me, brown tweed for Yannick), a copy of Rebecca magazine so I could see what the fuss was about, Fiber Trend's felted clog pattern, and 4- count 'em 4 addi Turbos. At 40% off, after taxes and shipping the whole order came to less than $85 CAD! At my local LYS addis alone are about $20! So the whole package came in yesterday and I'm so excited to go through it all. Right now I'm grabbing the addis I need for body and ribbing and am preparing my bag with all the yarn, tomorrow I can start #4. Goodnight!
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 11:40 pm |