n. worthiness, excellence, claim to respect; honorable office or title; stateliness, gravity.- dig'nify u.t. give dignity to.-dig'nified a. stately, majestic.- dig'nitary n. holder of high office. [L. dignitas-dignus, worthy]
Oh like I could pretend to be. When this whole post was to show you where I was spotted knitting yesterday.

Yes, I knit at Reno Depot, while waiting for paint for my father. 
Yes, I knit during our weekly card game. If you had 6' of i-cord to knit, you'd fit it in where you could too. (Oh, and for those who can't read the score on the pad, that was Julie and I kicking Rich and Yannick's a$$es until they cheated. Yes, I said it. No one manages to deal themselves the A, K, Q, J, 9, 6, 4, 3 of spades without cheating. Richard, I'm talking to you.) |