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I Want to Knit
Monday, November 29, 2004
i did it again
I SWEAR I thought I posted yesterday. I know I planned on it. I think I was going to do it after lunch with Yannick and Debbie...but then we got sidetracked by all heading over here to watch movies all day. NOTE: If you are over 15, do not get sucked in to the mess that is Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. You can thank me later. In any case, my original plan for yesterday was to come home after lunch, blog a bit, and then finally finish updating my finished object gallery. I had even told Yannick and Debbie that this was my plan for the day, to which Yannick asked "why can't you do it tomorrow?"
How does one tell one's boyfriend, the same boyfriend that one normally complains doesn't spend enough time with one, that she would rather work on the computer the one day that week they have time to spend together, so that on Monday, one's day off from work, one can have the entire glorious day to watch the shows I taped during the week and knit with no responsibilities like cleaning one's house or doing one's laundry? Turns out I couldn't say it, which is why we all ended up downstairs, and I graciously sacrificed my couch for Debbie (well, she'd already taken Yannick's couch, so I sacrificed mine for him so he'd have somewhere to glare at her menacingly from), and sat on the floor. It's not so much fun to knit on the floor. It's worse to try and knit while lying on your back 'cus you're hurting from sitting on the floor.

Note to the waiter at Bocaccino's: if I could get them to stop hitting each other, don't you think I would have? Let's just say that Yannick is 6'2", and Debbie is 4'11", and every time I bring the two of them together, they try to beat each other up. I know I should just stand back and watch, it's quite comical really. (For anyone who is worried about the eventual outcome, please note that Debbie, while short, is actually a trainer at the gym and teaches like 300 classes a week and packs a mean punch. Yannick is...uh...tall. Ok, he's really strong too, but I won't go on and on about his physical prowress. Just let it be known that in a knock-down, all-out battle of the best between he and Debbie, well, I wouldn't cast my vote until the last round.)

Moving on, I do have progress from yesterday.

This wonderful tube-like object is my foray into the world of thrums. It's most of mitten # 1, to be gifted to my dad for Hanukah. I'm quite happy with it, but for 3 reasons.

Dissatisfaction Reason 1) I don't like the thrums sticking out the bottom of the mitt. The pattern calls for starting them on the 4th row, and I think it's too soon. Solution: I'll probably cut out the first row of thrums at the end, and omit them for the 2nd mitt. Issue: Probably resolved.

Dissatisfaction Reason 2) I don't like how long the mitt is. Solution: I'll leave it the way it is unless I see I'm running out of yarn for the other mitt, in which case I'll steal some off the cuff and reknit it. Yannick tried it on and said that while it is long, long is a good thing 'cus some jackets ride up, and these are for my dad when he's jogging so the more warmth the better. Issue: Resolved (and how cool is it that I can have Yannick try these on as I go, so when I make his pair for Christmas I'll know they'll fit and he'll be none the wiser?)

Dissatsifaction Reason 3) There is some kind of mistake in the pattern. Hold on, I'm not jumping to find mistakes everywhere. I'm just so analytical that they seem to stand out to me. Case in point: for the thumb, 13 sts were put onto a holder. It says to slip these back onto a needle, and then pick up 13 more sts from the other side of the thumb hole. This means I have 26 sts, right? Then the patt says, "knit across 13 sts, k2tog, knit across 13, k2tog. Repeat until 24 sts rem on the needles". Wha??????? I only start with 26 sts, by decreasing 2 sts I wind up at 24 sts right away, not to mention the fact that I can't knit across 13, k2tog, and still have 13 left to knit across! Looks like there's a trip to my LYS in the forecast for today. Luckily they have such a mitt on display, they'd better have an answer for me!

posted by Jennifer Lori @ 10:00 am  
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