Remember how I mentioned the Shiva in the last post? Here's where it becomes relevant. Three of us from playgroup went to the Shiva house (house of one of the mourners where family/friends come to pay their respects. We each brought our kids. One woman's son spent the entire time sleeping in his portable car seat. He was the lucky one. The other 3 kids (Jakob and 2 little girls) all ended up with GASTRO.
Oh I am so sick of gastro. There's nothing worse than watching your helpless little baby's body heave and shake while he throws up, and you know he doesn't understand what's going on, and he's scared and sick and sad.
Jakob woke up fine Thursday morning, drank his bottle, played with us as usual while waiting for Yannick to wake up enough to give him breakfast, when suddenly he started to throw up. I stayed home from work with him and when he continued to lose everything we gave him to eat/drink I made an appointment for him at the doctor's that evening. By the time we got to the doctor's office he had a fever of 101F, and by the time he went to bed that night it was 102.5F.
When he wasn't actively sick he was in relatively good spirits. At one point I had put him down, seated, in his crib to play so I could have my hands free for a few minutes. When I came back to get him I found him like this:
For the first time ever he pulled himself to stand up in his crib. He was so proud of himself! Unfortunately the excitement didn't last long, as the sickness had completely exhausted him
He ended up spending the rest of the day and all day Friday like this:
(Mommy with Jakob at 43 weeks).
I felt horrible that he felt so bad but at least I got to spend 2 days curled up on the couch with my sleeping baby. Nothing beats that.
Aw, poor Jakob! I can't believe he got gastro twice in one season! I'm so not looking forward to Maxime's first experience with gastro (knock on wood!).