First on the list for today is brunch, since it's Sunday and Yannick and I always brunch on Sunday. Just our little way of making time for each other since he's absentee most of the rest of the week, or we have plans with other people. I think today is a Boccaccino's day, and I'm jonesing for my first cup of tea. (I almost wrote "cuppa tea". I don't know why.)
When we get home he's going to clean the house. I get to work on the sweater. Every time he needs to clean the house I get to work on knitting or crocheting. This is actually more fair than it seems. A) He LOVES to clean. Neat Freak doesn't even begin to come close. B) The sweater is for his godson. C) (for the other times) lately the knitting/crocheting I've been doing has been for gifts from the two of us or specifically for his family. His share of the gift is buying the yarn. My share is doing all the work. That trumps clean-up day, any day. :)
The sweater, last seen looking like this:

has since had some work done. The hood seams were joined and I picked up sts around the hood for a ribbed band. I also picked up and ribbed a few rows on each side of the front for the button band and button hole band. I followed the advice of Nicole, knitting teacher extraordinaire, to k the first 2 rows of the bands to create a "backstitched" look. It just makes them look more polished, and I really like the effect. Today's plan: seam the sleeves and underarms, sew on the buttons (really nice "old" looking wood ones) and do any other finishing so that by tomorrow morning's class all there is left to do is seam the sides of the pockets. I'd copied a cool technique from Nicole by picking up sts for the pockets right from the ribbing and working up to the length of the pocket, then continuing in the body so the top and bottom of pocket are worked right in. She says we'll just backstitch the sides down..but I want her to show me the best way so I'll be bringing this to class tomorrow. And hopefully by next Saturday Justin will be the best dressed 3-and-three-quarters year old in town! |