Monday, December 13, 2004 |
Just Say NO... | guilt knitting!
I know I have many projects to do for other people. I know they're due in the near future. But can you blame me for wanting to knit something for myself? I have Yannick's thrummed socks and Regia socks that are supposed to be his Christmas present, then the 3 baby outfits are due Jan 1st when we get together with his father's side of the family, then I have a bear to make to sell, then my sister wants a pair of mittens (we bought the softest black and pink balls of Filatura di Crosa's Zara today!). This is also not mentioning the dog sweaters I might end up making to sell.
So today I took my sister for her permit (computer) test, so I had about an hour and a half to knit. I did a few rows on the Regia sock, then switched to the thrum ones. When I got home (after the lys expedition and her treating me to lunch) I kept working on them while Yannick played Zelda: The WindWaker. So after supper when I sat down in front of the tv I pulled out the socks, did a row...STALLED! I just couldn't muster up the will to keep working on them!
It's not the socks- the Fleece Artist kit yarn is super soft and I love the colors (black with deep purple/teal thrums). I just wanted to do something for ME for a change. So I started rationalizing. The socks are due in two weeks. I have another week after that for the baby outfits, so I can start working on them again next week. Tomorrow night I'm going to my first MKG meeting (Montreal Knitting Guild) and I don't want to bring my "ME" project there 'cus it's 364 sts with markers and too detailed for a first meeting. But- the Regia socks are perfect for that. So...aha! Justification! I can work on ME now, and Yannick tomorrow. !!!
I pulled out the bag with my project, did a few sts and felt the stress vanish. I just made a pot of tea, and have CSIs and Law & Orders on tape. I am sooooo settled in for the night!
So goodnight, and remember: don't knit out of guilt! Knit what you love, justify later! :)
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 10:32 pm |