Thursday, November 18, 2004 |
I must be insane |
I just started knitting my first-ever booga bag, and it's also the first time I'm using Noro Kureyon. I'm using color
124 which is an incredibly yummy mix of shades ranging from plum through berries of all kinds, all the way to cherries and back. The yarn doesn't actually smell...and if I hold it to my nose it just kinda smells like hands. But I SWEAR that as I'm knitting I can't stop smelling the scent of raspberries. When I stop to smell the yarn it obviously isn't fruit-scented, but then the minute I start knitting again I guess the visual of the color overpowers my senses and I start imagining I smell fresh raspberries.
I'm getting hungry.
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 8:53 pm |