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I Want to Knit
Friday, March 23, 2007
FO: Pocket Pal Very Easy Boy
Eh. That's how I feel about this FO.

The Pocket Pals are from a booklet of the same name by Val Love of Dovetail designs. The patterns themselves are very easy and clearly written- to a point. And that's what, to me, ruined this project.

Here's a photo of the back of the booklet (the "Very Easy Boy" is in the bottom corner) and my attempt.

I really enjoyed the knitting part. I used embroidery floss and a 2.5mm needle, and kept thinking- how cool is this? I own every color of Anchor floss (that's over 450 little bobbins) and was mentally planning to knit not only the 20 pals from the booklet, but designing my own little dolls and toys. It takes less time to knit than a gauge swatch, and before I knew it, I was done.

I was immensely charmed by the little square, and jumped right into the seaming, which went very well and very easy. It was so adorable at that stage that I deliberately didn't even show it to Yannick because I wanted to save the cuteness for once it was complete. The gathers for the neck, arms and legs went perfectly, and I had this cute little doll in my hands.

Well, this cute little bald doll with no face.

And here's why I'm not sure I'm going to make any more: the hair instructions. They suck. Does it even count as directions when all it says is "embroider hair using straight stitch"? If I could guarantee that the hair would work out for any future dolls, I'd be making them by the dozen. But I'm afraid of ruining them like I feel I ruined this one.

Yes, I used satin stitch, not straight stitch. But I was working on a peach flesh-toned head and didn't want the scalp to show through. I might try making one more and working the back of head and scalp with the hair color instead of the skin color, then trying the straight stitch and seeing if I have better luck. Anything is better than the doll-of-shame equivalent of the "bowl cut".

Cute from far...but far from cute.
Look Ma- a bowl cut.

Oh well.

In other news:

I can't remember if I posted this or not, so forgive if its a duplicate: we have sold our house. Woo hoo! Now we need to buy a new one so we have somewhere to go. (A mild technicality, I know).

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posted by Jennifer Lori @ 12:15 pm  
  • At 7:34 pm, Blogger JayJay said…

    Congrats on selling the house! That's so fantastic!

    Actually, as I was reading and looking at the photo, I was thinking "and the hair is so cute!" Honestly, I think he looks fantastic as is! But then again my family is not known for our fashionable haircuts (I'm wearing a wig in my blog photo).

  • At 1:32 pm, Blogger pantoufle said…

    I think he looks cute in a retro British Invasion kind of way. Isn't aht supposed to be making a comeback?

  • At 7:05 pm, Blogger Montreal Mama said…

    That is too cute. Looks really tiny too!

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