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I Want to Knit
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
an open letter to any pregnant woman who is told she needs to self-inject insulin:
-Don't read my post from yesterday!

No, seriously, don't! Or, if you already did, or are now just curious, go ahead and read it, but then make sure you read this:

What in the world was I worried about?

You don't feel a thing. Let me repeat that. YOU DON'T FEEL A THING!

I couldn't believe it! Yannick was sitting there, and I'd prepared the syringe and squeezed whatever flab of skin I could grab on my leg, and I just held my breath and *did it*...then realized- this doesn't hurt. Forget "doesn't hurt"...something can't even hurt if you can't even tell that it is happening! I was watching the needle going into my skin and I SWEAR I kept thinking that it was broken and the needle was retracting into the syringe like those joke knives kids have, because I couldn't feel the slightest little thing AT ALL.

Yannick was cracking up because I kept staring at him, saying, "it doesn't hurt." "No, really, you don't get it, it doesn't hurt." "No, you're still not getting it, I didn't feel it at all. It hurts more to test my fingers." "Stop laughing and listen to me! I can't even tell it was done, and I just did it."

So if you have to do it, just do it. I couldn't believe that you can't feel it, I still am kinda dazed that it was so easy and painless, and in a strange way, I'm looking forwards to doing it again tonight. It's kinda cool playing with needles. ;)

(Note to self- hide the big, glass jar where I dump the syringes BEFORE people come for an open house!)
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 7:47 am  
  • At 12:01 pm, Blogger K. said…

    Glad to hear it doesn't hurt...hope to see you soon!

  • At 12:17 pm, Blogger JayJay said…

    Yay, for not hurting! Yes, be sure and hide the needles. Other people get freaked out pretty easily. ;)

  • At 5:07 pm, Blogger Kelley said…

    Oh, yay! So glad it doesn't hurt. I had to test my blood sugar through my pregnancy too, and man, does that hurt! I feel for you! I dreaded it every time I had to prick a finger. My sugars were fine, so I never had to inject insulin, but it's good to know it doesn't hurt just in case I end up needing to self-inject at some point. Needles really freak me out. I can't watch when I get shots. LOL.

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