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I Want to Knit
Thursday, February 02, 2006
This Time I Have an Excuse...
...for not writing. Tuesday night I was in a car accident. I'm ok, but it was really scary.

I was coming home from work on the 20 and an 18 wheeler who was in the middle lane decided he wanted to get into the right lane behind me...only he didn't feel like waiting until he had clearance. So he hit me right on the gas tank of my car, which, thanks to all the snow on the ground, slid my car diagonally right into the middle and left lanes. Someone hit me in the driver's front light and smashed it, then another car slammed into my driver's door. Truth be told, I thought I was going to die. I kept saying "no no no no no" and thinking "I can't believe this is how I'm going to die" and I honestly don't know if I meant "in a car accident" or "now that I'm engaged and things are going well and we're talking kids...and now I'm going to die before I get to do any of it." Probably the latter, knowing me.

My car came to a stop diagonally across the middle and left lanes, as if I was going the wrong way on the highway with the nose of the car more in the left lane. I turned off the engine, and once I was sure I was ok (other than a banged knee) I turned my car back on and reversed to go pull over on the right hand shoulder. I can't believe that after witnessing a 4 car + accident (I think another car might have hit me, but I'm not sure) most people in the right lane kept going. I actually had to wait for traffic to slow before I could actually back up and have room to get over to the right shoulder.

The truck had pulled over and so did another car who had to be towed. After sitting there for about 2 hours and dealing with the police and an ambulence (I refused to go) I was allowed to leave. The truck driver took full responsibility, thank God 'cus there's no way anyone else was to blame. He even told me over and over that he was sorry and just didn't see me and hoped I was ok. (I'm saying "he" but I honestly think it might have been a woman...not too sure though). I was able to drive my car home at about 8pm, but I kept my flashers on and didn't go over 60 on the highway and 40 on the main roads, 'cus I wasn't sure how it would drive. My hood kept bobbing up, and I didn't know what other damage there was.

I came home and took a bath, and it was only once I got home that my side and stomach started to hurt. When my dad found out he wanted to make sure there was no internal damage so Yannick took me to the emergency room. We got there around 11pm, and they finally took me to see the doctor at 2am, and he finally came into the room around 3:30. He said I had to stay there so they could do an ultrasound which didn't open until the morning. So they put me onto a stretcher and stuck an IV "door" into my hand, then took blood and wheeled me for chest xrays. Then it was about 5am and they brought me to a random hallway in the emergency observation area. I know it could have been worse, but considering they parked me under a bright light next to the very busy drug storage section, it could have been better too.

I didn't sleep much, and at 7am they took another blood test. Around 9am they brought me for the ultrasound, and it wasn't until 12 that they said it was all clear and I could go home.

So now I'm home. Banged and sore, but ok. The worst part is the flashbacks. I've never been through a trauma like this before, and I find that it keeps popping into my head at random times. Like last night I watched that TV commercial where the harried mom runs out and hugs the pizza delivery guy, and when they collided on screen, in my head I saw the car turning and the other cars smashing into it, and started crying again. But I guess that will go away soon. I'm off work for a couple of days, so I'm taking it easy.

I had an idea for a knitting and crochet penpal exchange, kinda like the secret pal stuff but with no gifts required, only a pen and paper. I'm going to put the word out in knitting groups and see if people are receptive to it, if they are then maybe I'll try to set something up.
posted by Jennifer Lori @ 9:37 pm  
  • At 10:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh my!!! Thank goodness you are ok, what a scary story to read and to actually go through. The flashbacks will go away in time, right now rest and just try to relax is best. I'm happy to hear that you are doing ok! :)

  • At 11:10 pm, Blogger Montreal Mama said…

    Soooooooooooooo happy you're okay.I sent you mail. :) (But of course!) (Feel better soon!) And enjoy some healing time with knitting!

  • At 11:16 pm, Blogger Pirk said…

    I am glad you are ok. Take it easy, but check with your doctor if any pain gets worse.

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