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I Want to Knit
Saturday, April 02, 2005
My tummy hurts :(
I think I'm going through a bout of food poisoning. Either that, or I ate waaaaay too many foods with oil in them yesterday, 'cus I've been sick since the minute I got home. Or it was the leftover Greek salad I ate a day late. Or the stale cheese croissant. Or the movie-theater popcorn. Or- ok, I see it could be many things that I did to myself. Why does everything I like have to be fried or oily or greasy? If only I liked chocolate...... lol

Wednesday night Yannick came home to have supper with me, so while there were nice steaks in my evening, there was no knitting. I made up for it Thursday night for an hour or so, and yesterday morning too.

Last night we went to Montana's for dinner then to see Be Cool. I don't know why it didn't get great reviews, 'cus it was a lot of fun. Well, except for the 5 obnoxious teens who wouldn't shut up one row over. I don't know what it is with the Collisee, but every time we go there people won't stop talking. And I try to be nice, I really do. I'm 27, not sitting there talking about "young whippersnappers". But please. I won't shush you if you talk during the previews even though they're my favorite part. And I'll even ask you nicely the first 4 times or so, to "please stop talking" or "do you mind not talking, I can't hear the movie". My previous worst time was when X-Men had just come out. The man behind me was explaining every scene to his 3 year old. "Now Wolverine just burst through the door. Ooh look, he's got his claws out! Isn't this scary......etc..." But last night...whew. I asked nicely. I was polite. About 14 times. Then I started shushing them. Then I had to resort to saying out loud "Please stop talking!" After the 30th or so request I finally looked over and said that if they wouldn't stop talking I would get the manager. They didn't. So I got up and walked out. You know the part in the commercial when John Travolta and Uma Thurman are dancing to the Black Eyed Peas? That's the scene I missed. I figured I was safe, I've seen them dance already in Pulp Fiction. :) I didn't find the manager, but I did find 2 "customer service" teens. Very scary. *snort* They followed me in and spoke to the kids. I felt like a narc, but seriously, it was now over an hour into the movie and I'd asked them to be quiet many, many times. Of course, they didn't. By the time I actually disturbed other movie goers by almost yelling "shut up!" they were turning on their cell phones for light and giggling. Thankfully, about a half hour before the end of the movie, they got up and left, one by one. I don't know why, for all I know the "customer service" guys told them that if they were good and left they'd get movie passes. I was just really thankful for the silence! I was a little nervous though when we left the movie and they were all outside. After the mob-type movie I'd just seen you know that I was certain they were all packing weapons and would follow us to the car...and I won't fill in the details my morbid brain created next. When one young guy started walking towards us from the far end of the parking lot, one hand reaching into his waistband under his coat for like 3 minutes, I was positive he was reaching for a gun. I know. Like we'd get blown away over a movie ruckus. I know. *sheepish grin* What can I say? I'm brain is always working up these stories.

On a more positive note about last night Yannick surprised me with a very generous present! When we'd gone to Fourquette Fourchette a few weeks ago Laura, the birthday boy's wife, was wearing a very interesting bracelet, and her mom had a similar necklace. It was kinda like the Zoppini charm bracelets, but instead of interlocking squares, these were 3D beads that went on a rope-like chain. There were "locking" beads that meant the beads between them could move freely, but not past the locks, so even if the clasp undid you wouldn't lose anything. Plus the beads were gorgeous. And adorable. A cat, for example, wasn't just a picture of a cat, it was an actual 3D cat sculpture with a hole through the side to pass the chain. But, due to the quantity of the beads available, it could be like the Zoppini charms in that you choose beads with special meanings, or for special occassions. I fell in love with it right away. It's more "grown up" than the Zoppini ones that are now available even at dollar stores. Plus most are real gold and/or silver, and are more expensive, which is the only downside. They're called Chamilia, and have a website: How do I know what they're called? :] Because my lovely boyfriend surprised me with a gift certificate to Laura's mom's store where she sells them! Yesterday was "kinda" an anniversary (Dec 1 was 6 years, so April 1 was six years, 4 months), plus he'd never gotten me a Valentine's Day gift. He wanted to pick out actual beads for me, but wasn't sure which chain I'd prefer, gold, silver or stainless steel, so we're going to go back together. I can't wait!

Now back to the knitting!

I have to say that I'm SO GLAD I started working on this cardi! It is such a pleasure to knit, and I love watching each row bring the picture out more. And it's pretty fast too, since I only started it this week and I think by Monday night I'll have at least finished the left front piece...which doesn't sound like much until you remember that I have to follow a pattern with no repeats at all for every single row.

Here's LC now:

And, since I wasn't planning on making such a long post, I also took a pic of the chart I'm using for this piece, to show how I color-coded each chart symbol. I laughed at myself for doing this in a previous post, but omigod does it make it go so fast! I don't even have to count, nothing! Just looking at the chart shows me instantly where I am and what to do next. I love it!

posted by Jennifer Lori @ 9:26 am  
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