It's been a really hectic week! We are part of a playgroup that meets every Thursday at a different mom's house. This week was our turn. With a baby you don't want to leave stuff for the last minute, so on Tuesday I made my lists of what I needed, and picked up all my groceries. On Wednesday after the movies (we saw The Feast of was a tearjerker but which was totally NOT for kids...lots of nudity and sex and stuff...) I went home and began to prepare whatever I could prepare in advance. Finally, on Thursday at lunch time, everything was ready. We'd locked Sam in the basement, vacuumed, cleaned, set out the food, arranged all the furniture and toys for maximum space, and voila- this was how my house looked:
This is the view of our dining room from standing in the living room. Normally the table is in the middle of the room and there aren't any toys in there.
Each mom who hosts provides the food so no one has to bring anything. We usually provide finger foods because it's a bit unweildly to wrangle a baby and a knife and fork. I put out pasta, Caesar salad, cold pizzas, veggies and dip, nachos and salsa, and 3 different kinds of cheeses, cubed, with crackers. This was the "dessert" area, LOL. In the bowls there are Smarties, tropical dried fruits and Ringolos, then popcorn, then a platter with 3 different kinds of cookies.
This is the view going the other way, looking into the living room. And this is how that same view looked a few hours later! In this photo there are 11 moms and 12 babies, and by the end of the day there were a total of 15 moms and 17 babies (2 sets of twins). Whew! It was a lot of work to get ready, it probably doesn't look that way but each time I'd get in the middle of something, like slicing veggies or boiling water for the pasta, Jakob would cry and need to be held, or fed, or changed, or I had to make dinner for Yannick and's a lot of "stops" and "starts" with a baby around, but in the end it was all worth it. I love to entertain so we had a really good time having a house full of people. Plus I'd invited my neighbor (literally 2 doors over) who has twins 6 months older than Jakob, and it was the first time we'd gotten together since we've moved here, so it was nice to get a chance to get to know her a bit more. On Wednesday I'd finished the Montego Bay Scarf. Yay! I was really, really happy with how it came out, and needed only to wash it and it would be ready to give away.
Here's a closeup of the stitch pattern. Finally, on Thursday night I started swatching for the Hallowe'en costume. No one has guessed it yet... :)Labels: FO, Montego Bay Scarf, Superman Costume |
LOL! Ringolos for dessert. You're a girl after my own heart!